There’s a long-standing debate on whether the sunlight is actually good or bad for you. Lately, it seems the argument is favoring the dangers of sunlight. How too much time in the sun leads to premature aging and wrinkles. There’s even a misconception that spending too much time in the sun causes skin cancer. Most health professionals will agree that sunlight is useful for your body as it creates Vitamin D, however, it is rarely discussed that sunlight has many therapeutic effects on your immune system, nervous system, and hormonal systems.
Here are a few facts about the benefits sunlight has on our bodies:
- Sunlight makes your bones stronger and thicker
- Sunlight exposure REDUCES your risk for many cancers, including breast, ovarian, prostate, lung, colon and brain cancer
- Sunshine makes you happy – and cures seasonal affective disorder
- Sunlight exposure boosts your natural endorphin levels – reducing your pain and improving your mood
- Sunlight exposure helps your sleep by increasing your melatonin levels
I’ve mentioned how sunlight has medicinal properties, and you might be very surprised to have learned this. However, sunlight has historically been utilized for thousands of years to cure many illnesses and improve health. So many of the ancient civilizations including the Assyrians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Romans, and Greeks, including Hippocrates, the Greek physician known as the “father of modern medicine”, recommended sun bathing to optimize health. More recently, in the 19th century, sun was prescribed to speed up recovery from tuberculosis and various bacterial infections.
You are being bombarded with misinformation on the dangers of sunlight on a daily basis. If you’d like to learn more about the benefits of sunlight, review my articles and blogs online or schedule a consultation by calling (732) 268-7663 to learn more about my holistic practice.