1670 ROUTE 34 N. 3R FLOOR SUITE 3C WALL • NJ 07727
1670 ROUTE 34 N. 3R FLOOR SUITE 3C WALL • NJ 07727

Treatment of COVID-19

Are you looking for a different approach to COVID-19?

At Michael Rothman MD we continue to follow the same principles with which we founded our practice in regards to Coronavirus and the transmission of the COVID-19 virus. Our methodology is in our name “Metabolically Directed Wellness” and as such, it is our belief and approach that each person’s diverse experience with COVID-19 relates to the imbalances in your body’s chemistry.

A Holistic Approach to the Treatment of COVID-19

Our practice is dedicated to spending as much time and effort to review emerging, published medical literature on COVID-19. We are then applying effective treatment protocols for COVID-19 as it relates to each patient.

We do not accept recommendations made under emergency authorization as the best way to treat our patients. “Find the cause, fix the cause” is the only rational approach to preventing and treating COVID-19.

Michael Rothman MD is a member of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC). We support and follow the FLCCC protocols and guidance for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19. (Reference)


If you have questions about COVID-19, Ivermectin, believe you have contracted COVID-19 or have tested positive for COVID-19, click the button to contact us.

Schedule an Appointment or Consultation
Complete this quick form for more information, or to schedule an appointment or no-obligation 15-min phone consultation.