Contrary to belief, my next statement may very well be rebuffed by the mainstream medical community. However, it is my belief that pure, unfiltered sunlight, might be the most powerful cancer remedy available on the Earth today.
Here are a few supporting facts about the healing properties of sunlight for cancer patients:
1. Sunlight has a powerful effect on your immune system, nervous system and endocrine system – the electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) in sunlight affect your hypothalamus – helping to regulate and synchronize numerous physiologic processes
2. Many studies show that sunlight exposure reduces the risk of various cancers – including lung cancer, colon cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, brain cancer and more
3. Sunlight increases your vitamin D levels – there is an association between increased vitamin D levels and lower levels of many cancers
4. Sunlight exposure increases oxidative metabolism while reducing anaerobic metabolism – this action reduces tissue acidity and tissue hypoxia which can have an effect on carcinogenesis
5. Daytime sunlight exposure increases nighttime melatonin levels – which can reduce the risk of cancer
6. Sunlight exposure reduces depression – depression is a risk factor for the development of cancer
I’ve mentioned how sunlight has medicinal properties, and you might be very surprised to have learned this. However, sunlight has historically been utilized for thousands of years to cure many illnesses and improve health. So many of the ancient civilizations including the Assyrians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Romans, and Greeks, including Hippocrates, the Greek physician known as the “father of modern medicine”, recommended sunbathing to optimize health. More recently, in the 19th century, the sun was prescribed to speed up recovery from tuberculosis and various bacterial infections.
The best piece of advice I could offer would be to “TRY IT!” It’s free and it can’t hurt to go outside, take in the fresh air and feel the beautiful sun shining upon your body. Worst case scenario, you go back inside with a smile on your face.