Adrenal Fatigue
Metabolically Directed Approach to Adrenal Fatigue
What is Adrenal Fatigue?
- Adrenal fatigue occurs when your adrenal glands are unable to produce sufficient adrenal hormones to deal with the normal stress of everyday activities
- Patients may complain of fatigue, inability to handle stress, dizziness upon standing, overall low vitality
Conventional Medicine Does not Recognize the Diagnosis of Adrenal Fatigue
- Allopathic medicine does recognize “Addison’s Disease” and “Addison’s Syndrome”
- Thought to be caused by damage to your adrenal gland or pituitary gland secondary to infection, surgery, cancer treatment or chronic use of steroids
- While Addison’s Disease/Syndrome are recognized and are real clinical conditions , they are considered to be quite rare. On the other hand adrenal fatigue is very common amongst chronically ill patients and persons that are chronically stressed
Conventional Treatment of Addison’s Disease/Syndrome
- Prescribe synthetic adrenal hormone replacement
- For example – Hydrocortisone, Prednisone, Methylprednisolone, Fludrocortisone
What are the Root Causes of Adrenal Fatigue?
- Chronic stressors in the form of dietary indescretions, environmental toxins, stealth organisms, genetic predispositions, poor quality sleep, overwork, lack of rest, Harmful EMFs, emotional/situational stress contribute to excessive reliance on your adrenal glands in defense of this
Learn More About Biotoxin (Mold) Illness
Metabolically Directed Approach to Adrenal Fatigue
- Fix what is wrong – always multifactorial – chronic stressors
- Frequently a dietary problem
- Frequently an unrecognized environmental issue
- Frequently an oxido-reductive imbalance
- Frequently an unrcognized or poorly treated thyroid problem
- Frequently an unrecognized “stealth organism”
- Frequently a sex hormone or adrenal hormone problem
- Always an autonomic nervous system problem
Chronic Stress Can Initially Increase ACTH and Cortisol Levels
Over Time These Chronic Stressors Lead to a Depletion in Vital Metabolic and Hormonal Reserves
- Cortisol and Aldosterone levels can begin to drop
- Cortisol is a key adrenal glucocorticoid that helps control blood sugar levels and inflammation in your body
- Aldosterone is a key adrenal mineralcorticoid that helps control mineral balance in your body
Dietary Issues Contributing to Adrenal Fatigue
Eating a low cholesterol, low saturated fat diet, high unsaturated fat diet
The Food Pyramid, Which is Based on a High Carb-Low Fat Diet Contributes to Adrenal Fatigue
Numerous Studies “Proving” That Cholesterol is the Root Cause of Heart Disease were done on Rabbits
Cortisol and Aldosterone (mineralcorticoid) are Made From Cholesterol
Healthy Adrenal Glands can Help Save your Life!
A Dietary Intervention for Adrenal Fatigue
- Eat enough cholesterol to “feed” your adrenal glands
- Avoid polyunsaturated fats (like soy oil, canola oil, sunflower oil, corn oil…) which stress your adrenal glands
Saturated Fats Have no Double Bonds, They are very Stable and Tend to Stimulate Your Metabolism and Reduce Adrenal Stress
Unsaturated Fats Have Double Bonds – They are unstable and tend to Slow Down Your Metabolism and Increase Adrenal Stress
Biotoxin Illness
A Common, Underecognized Cause of Adrenal Fatigue
Chronic Exposure to Contaminated Environments are Extremely Stressful, Especially in Genetically Predisposed Individuals
Learn More About Biotoxin (Mold) Illness
- Get genetically tested for HLA DR gene to identify potential genetic predisposition
- Test (and remediate) or Avoid Suspicious Environments
- Detoxify Your Body Systems of Environmentally Mediated Toxins
The Work of Emanuel Revici MD
Fatty Acid vs Sterol Levels Imbalances Leading to Chronic Stress, Adrenal Fatigue
Too Many Fatty Acids, Not Enough Sterols
A Balance Between Fatty Acids and Sterols
Too Many Sterols
Optimizing Sterol/Fatty Acid Activity can Reduce Effects of Stress
- These lipids which are part of your cell membrane control energy production and contribute to control of adrenal function and mineral balance
- Some people may have a tendency towards an Anaerobic (lack of oxygen) metabolism
- Some people may have a tendency towards Dysaerobic (dysfunctional use of oxygen) metabolism
- Either imbalance can contribute to Adrenal Fatigue
Chronic Stressors can Impair Thryoid Function Contributing to Adrenal Fatigue
- Impaired thyroid function contributes to additional adrenal stress and autonomic dysfunction
- Often times the patient will start producing reverse T3 which blocks the functioning of your active thyroid hormones
- Reverse T3 syndrome can contribute to decreased production of adrenal hormones
Several Factors can Contribute to Reverse T3 Syndrome
Stealth Organisms
- Hidden or “stealth organisms” – viruses, bacteria, parasites can contribute to chronic stress and adrenal fatigue
Test and Treat for Tick Borne Diseases
- Lyme Disease
- Erlichiosis
- Babesiosis
- Bartonella
- Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF)
- Anaplasmosis
- Tickborne Relapsing
- Fever (TBRF)
- Rickettsia
- Tularemia
- Powassan Disease
- Borrelia mayonii
- Borellia miyamotol
Consider other Sources of Toxicity
- Chronic Mold Exposure leads to immune dysfunction which can contribute to downstream distortions in your microbiome, paving the
way for:
• Fungal overgrowth – Candida, yeast, small intestinal fungal overgrowth (SIFO)
• Dysbiosis – small intestinal bowel overgrowth (SIBO), imbalance in bowel flora, H Pylori
• Parasites
• Heavy Metals
Learn More About Biotoxin (Mold) Illness
Many Menstruating Women Suffer from Increased Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms During Parts of Their Menstrual Cycle
- Increased adrenal fatigue early in cycle can indicate sex hormonal deficiency
- Increased adrenal fatigue mid-cycle (ovulation) can indicate excess estrogen
- Increased adrenal fatigue in mid-luteal phase can indicate sex hormone excess
Autonomic Nervous System Imbalances
Adrenal Fatigue is Often Related to Autonomic Dysfunction
Autonomic Dysfunction in Adrenal Fatigue
Excessive oscillations of autonomic nervous system activity are very stressful and can contribute to loss of vital reserves and adrenal fatigue
Chronic Stress and Unhealthy Habits Deplete Your Vital Adrenal Reserves
Autonomic Dysfunction can be Ameliorated by Reducing Stressors on your Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)
- Avoid dietary sugar and reduce excess carbs and eat enough healthy (saturated) fats to stabilize your blood sugar reducing ANS stress
- Avoid dangerous environments which then stimulate your flight or flight response (leading to episodes of tachycardia)
- Practice “mind-body” techniques to help reduce limibic dysfunction contibuting to ANS stress
- Practice healthy habits sleep-wake cycles, activity/rest to reduce stressors on your ANS
Addressing Mineral Depletion to Help Treat Adrenal Fatigue
- You may benefit from adding extra natural salt in your diet (preferably sea salt, Himalayan salt, pink salt, not iodized “processed” salt
- Avoid foods (like coffee) and medications (like diuretics) that tend to deplete your minerals
For Optimal Adrenal Health - Add “Good” Things - Healthy Food, Clean Air, Beneficial EMF’s, Good People increase your Vital Reserves
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