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1670 ROUTE 34 N. 3R FLOOR SUITE 3C WALL • NJ 07727

The Heart Health Series

A Guide to a Healthy Heart Through Your Life

by Dr. Michael Rothman, a Board Certified Physician in Emergency & Internal Medicine

Each day, heart disease, “the silent killer” destroys the lives of thousands of people in the United States. In fact, The Center for Disease Control estimates that 600,000 Americans die of heart disease each year, the cause of roughly 1 in every 4 deaths. Furthermore, every year almost 935,000 people suffer from a heart attack. The good news is that heart disease is almost completely preventable. Read on to learn how to live your best life in your 20’s, 30’s, 40’s and 50’s.

Promoting a Healthy Heart in Your 20′s

February is National Heart Disease Awareness Month. As a trusted advisor of Heart Health in New Jersey, Michael Rothman MD is posting a series of articles addressing targeted age groups. Each day, heart disease, “the silent killer” destroys the lives of thousands of people in the United States. In fact, The Center for Disease Control estimates that 600,000 […]

Promoting a Healthy Heart in Your 30′s

Promoting a Healthy Heart in Your 30′s

February is National Heart Disease Awareness Month. As a trusted advisor of Heart Health in New Jersey, Michael Rothman MD is posting a series of articles addressing targeted age groups. Each day,heart disease, “the silent killer” destroys the lives of thousands of people in the United States. In fact, the Center for Disease Control estimates that 600,000 Americans […]

Promoting a Healthy Heart in Your 40′s and 50′s

Promoting a Healthy Heart in Your 40′s and 50′s

February is National Heart Disease Awareness Month. As a trusted advisor of Heart Health in New Jersey, Michael Rothman MD is posting a series of articles addressing targeted age groups. Each day, heart disease, “the silent killer” destroys the lives of thousands of people in the United States. In fact, the Center for Disease Control estimates that 600,000 […]


Are you looking to improve your heart health? Schedule a 15-minute consultation with
Michael Rothman MD to see how you can live a healthier lifestyle, starting today!

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