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1670 ROUTE 34 N. 3R FLOOR SUITE 3C WALL • NJ 07727



  • An intermediate of various biochemical pathways
  • Involved with production of glutathione, transfer of methyl groups 
  • Elevated homocysteine also called hyperhomocysteinemia contributes to inflammation and damage to blood vessels and other organ systems
  • Optimal levels of homocysteine are <9
  • High homocysteine levels indicate a deficiency of folic acid, B-6, B-12 and methyl donors

Methyl Donors

  • Methionine and homocysteine are identical except that methionine has an extra methyl (CH3) group
  • Methyl donors are needed to reconvert homocysteine to methionine 
  • Methyl donors include 5-methyl folate and tri-methyl-glycine (also known as anhydrous betaine), choline, lethicin

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MTHFR (Methylene Tetrahydrofolate Reductase)  

  • An important enzyme that helps biotransform 5,10 methylene tetrahydrofolate into methylated folate
  • Some people have a variant of the normal gene known as the MTHFR gene (a single nucleotide polymorphism) which impairs proper methylation 
  • An MTHFR SNP can contribute to high homocysteine and related diseases

MTHFR Variants (or single nucleotide polymorphisms =SNP)

  • There are two relatively common SNP’s:
  • A1298C – clinically irrelevant – will not effect homocysteine levels – does not require any specific supplementation
  • C677T – can effect homocysteine levels – patient may need more folate or 5-methyl-folate
  • Utilizing the methionine pathway by adding methyl donors like trimethyglycine and choline can bypass the problem of MTHFR variants

Manifestations of Elevated Homocysteine

Sources of Methyl Groups

  • B vitamins – folate, B-6, B-12
  • Trimethylglycine (betaine) 
  • Choline
  • Methionine
  • SAMe

Metabolically Directed Approach to Elevated Homocysteine

  • Look for root causes of homocysteine elevation – chronic inflammation, hypothyroidism, poor diet, MTHFR variants
  • When replacing needed B vitamins, take into account the patient’s individual metabolic needs
  • For example, a Dysaerobic patient will benefit from folate, but may suffer from increased Dysaerobic imbalance from B-6 and B-12.
  • On the other hand, the Anaerobic patient’s imbalance will be exacerbated by folate, yet may benefit more from B-12 and B-6
  • In summary, the treatment for elevated homocysteine is best personalized depending on the patient’s individualized metabolic requirements and balance

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Other Considerations

  • Avoid sugar, smoking and caffeine – all can increase homocysteine 
  • Low B-12 levels are not necessarily caused by low intake or decreased absorption, but also by increased utilization by abnormal bowel flora 

Hypothyroidism raises homocysteine

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