Risks & Benefits of Medical Cannabis
Medical cannabis offers a multitude of well established and medically accepted therapeutic effects. This amazing plant confers anticonvulsant and anti-nausea effects, helps reduce pain and allows for reduced dosages of narcotic medications, enhances sleep, reduces anxiety, improves appetite, and lifts mood. Yet, despite its powerful therapeutic effects, medical cannabis is extremely safe, with very few “side effects”. These “side effects” are mostly related to its psychotropic properties which some people find unpleasant. Even these few “side effects” can be managed by selecting agents that have higher levels of CBD and lower levels of THC.
Remarkably, there are no known true toxic effects of medical cannabis and there has never been a documented fatal overdose from this class of drugs. Even animal studies using enormous dosages of cannabis and its derivatives have failed to demonstrate any true toxic effects.
In conclusion, the risk/benefit ratio is in favor of medical cannabis for all conditions that are medically accepted by the NJ MMP.

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