Multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS) is a chronic condition where the patient will experience an inflammatory reaction to various chemicals. These chemicals may include fragrances, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), foods and common household products. Patients typically become more sensitive to various chemicals over time, even to products that previously did not cause them any problems.
Many people that are suffering from MCS usual suffer from other chronic problems and may be diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), fibromyalgia, leaky gut syndrome, depression, multiple sclerosis, dementia, paroxysmal orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) and many other syndromes. If you have MCS you likely also experience other symptoms including fatigue, muscle and joint pain, cognitive problems (brain fog), gastrointestinal symptoms (abdominal pain, irritable bowel), unstable body temperature, unexplained rashes, dizziness and vertigo, headaches, red and burning eyes, hormonal problems, sleep issues, unexplained weight gain and many more. Many people suffering from MCS will eventually experience secondary symptoms related to immune dysfunction, hormonal imbalances and autonomic nervous system failure.
The underlying cause of most cases of MCS is of inflammation related to an immune system response to a biological toxin also known as chronic inflammatory response syndrome (CIRS). Common biological toxins causing/contributing to CIRS include exposure to the contents of a water damaged building (WDB) like mold, fungus, bacteria and other organisms as well as metabolic byproducts of the metabolism of these organisms (proteinases, hemolysins, volatile organic compounds, endotoxins, beta glucans mannans, spirocyclic drimanes). Other CIRS producing biological toxins include Lyme disease, exposure to toxic blue – green algae, brown recluse spider bites and poisoned fish.
The treatment for MCS requires an intelligent, systematic approach that includes the following:
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