Much of conventional medicine is based on the premise of “naming and blaming”.
If you were to ask your doctor the following questions, he/she most likely will give you the following answers:
Question: “ Doctor why do I wheeze?”
Answer: “Because you have asthma”
Question: “Doctor why do my joints hurt?”
Answer: “Because you have arthritis”
Question: “Doctor why do I have seizures?
Answer: “Because you have epilepsy”
Question: “Doctor why do I sweat so much?”
Answer: “Because you have hyperhydrosis” (hyper means too much, hydrosis means sweating in latin)
Question: “Doctor why do all my muscles hurt?”
Answer: “Because you have polymyositis” (poly means many, myo means muscles, sitis means inflammation poly-myo-sitis) Now you get the idea, the reason all your muscles hurt is because you have many inflamed muscles…?!!!
Question: “Doctor why do I bruise all the time?”
Answer: “Because you have ITP (idiopathic thrombocytopenia)” This is one of my favorites. Idio means we are not smart enough to understand (like an idiot) pathic means the cause of the pathology. Thrombo means platlets, cyto means in the blood, penia means not enough. Putting this all together, the reason for your bruising is that you have a low platelet count in your blood and we don’t have any clue why.

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We could go on and on with this, but I am sure that you get the picture.
Now you ask your doctor, “Why do I have Asthma/Epilepsy/Arthritis…”?
You will receive a mix of the following responses:
- Because it runs in your family
- You were born with it
- You are just getting old
- You are too fat
- Nobody knows
Let’s examine each of these answers and what they really mean :
When they say, “You were born with this”, or “it runs in your family“.
What they really mean:
There is nothing I can do for you, this is a case of “bad genes” We really can’t do anything to fix this but we can give you drugs to treat the symptoms.
When they say, “You are just getting old”.
What they really mean:
There is nothing I can do for you, this is a case of things wearing out, sort of like an old car that needs new tires, why don’t we just replace some parts and add some hardware.
Does this mean that everybody that lives long enough will get this problem? How about young people that get this problem? Did they just get old fast?!!
When they say, “Nobody knows” Let’s examine what this really means. “Let me get this straight doc, you asked everybody and nobody knows?!!” Well you didn’t ask me. Maybe “nobody knows” means, you asked everybody that you know or associate with and they all say the same thing. Why, it’s idiopathic, of course.
Another “explanation” is to blame one disease on another disease. Here is how this one goes; “Doctor why do I have heart disease?” Because you have high blood pressure and diabetes.
Conventional medicine is very satisfied with coming up with the correct diagnosis (name of the disease). That is the most important and difficult step in their thought process. Once the diagnosis is discovered, the proper drug or surgical treatment is prescribed.
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If you’re ready to prioritize your health and are seeking effective, metabolically directed treatments, contact us online or call (732) 268-7663 for a consultation with Dr. Rothman.
I had a patient in the ER recently who had a seizure. I was interested to know what caused this patient’s condition. The patient’s Neurologist was there in the department. I asked “what do you think is causing this patient’s seizures?” He puffed out his chest and proudly replied. “He has idiopathic epilepsy.” I responded, “I understand” meaning I understand you are an idiot and it would not even cross your mind to look for the cause of this patient’s problem.
So if naming and blaming is not the answer to the cause of disease, what is?
The real cause of disease (dysfunction) are imbalances. Structural imbalances, biochemical imbalances, and energetic imbalances, separately or together contribute to cause a myriad of symptoms, which then are “named” as diseases.