
As a practitioner of holistic, natural medicine, I’ve witnessed firsthand how effective non-toxic treatments can be for managing and even resolving chronic conditions. 

Whether it’s gastrointestinal problems, hormonal imbalances, or other ongoing health concerns, functional, metabolically directed approaches target the root cause rather than just symptoms for lasting relief.

If you’re wondering whether a non-toxic remedy could work for you, take just 1 minute to answer a few quick “yes or no” questions. These will help determine if you’re a candidate for a personalized, functional solution. 

Let’s explore a natural path to wellness together!

Could Biotoxin Exposure Be Causing Your Health Struggles?

Is Functional Metabolic Testing the Key to Unlocking Your Wellness?
Is Functional Metabolic Testing Your Solution to Gastrointestinal Relief?
Is Hormone Imbalance to Blame For Your Symptoms?

Meet Dr. Michael Rothman

For over 20 years, Dr. Michael Rothman has helped patients understand their health through natural, holistic, and non-toxic methods. With a strong background in Nutrition, Biochemistry, Physiology, and Physics, he has studied the works of pioneers in metabolic typing and balancing.

Dr. Rothman is also trained in Medical Acupuncture, Homotoxicology, Reiki, Chi Kung, and Oriental Martial Arts, blending Eastern and Western medicine. His approach integrates biochemical, biostructural, and bioenergetic components to promote optimal wellness.

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“Dr. Rothman’s research confirmed what I already suspected was the big lie about fat and cholesterol purported by so-called experts. If you want the truth, read this book. The recipes are fabulous!” – Diane W.

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