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Dysbiosis literally means diseased biota. In other words dysbiosis refers to a state of imbalance in the organisms living within your body. There are billions of bacteria living inside of you, most of them residing in your gastrointestinal system (mostly in your large bowel)

These organisms can be either beneficial or harmful. Beneficial bacteria include species like Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria. These species are beneficial because their metabolic byproducts provide sustenance to your bowels and to other beneficial bacterial species. These “friendly” species even excrete certain vitamins that you need to be healthy (like B-12). Conversely, the “bad” organisms include pathogenic bacteria like certain forms of E. Coli, yeast, fungus and other microorganisms which excrete toxic materials into your bowels (and hence into your body)

Dysbiosis is very common. It results from the use of antibiotics and also from poor quality diets that include too many sugars, toxic oils, food additives and other edible toxins common in the standard American diet (SAD). Dysbiosis can contribute to gastrointestinal problems like IBS, inflammatory bowel disease and other gastrointestinal symptoms. Worse yet, dysbiosis can lead to something called “leaky gut syndrome” which can wreak havoc to your immune system and contribute to the development of various problems like chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), fibromylagia, multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS) and many others.

Unfortunately, dysbiosis is often unrecognized by mainstream medical professionals despite the fact that it can lead to so many medical problems. The treatment for dysbiosis includes proper diet, and a bowel restoration program that includes appropriate probiotics and prebiotics. Some patients with dysbiosis may require some sort of antimicrobial therapy (antibiotics, antiparasitics, antifungals).

Contact Michael Rothman MD for a holistic treatment plan for dysbiosis. Together, we can help you relieve the symptoms of dysbiosis without the use of prescription drugs.

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