Elective Cardiac and Coronary Procedures- A Transformative Service or Just a Band-Aid?

By Michael Rothman, MD

There seems to be a new wave of elective procedures being promoted by hospitals and health groups. Every other radio and television commercial along with advertising mailers are demanding our attention. As Hackensack Meridian puts it “Take a test to check your risk for heart disease with a CT Calcium Scoring scan for just $99!” Only $99 to ensure your life and heart health are indeed safe and well? It would be irresponsible to your family not to spend JUST $99 to check your heart health. Right?

What is CT Calcium Scoring?

A calcium-score screening heart test (coronary calcium scan) uses computerized tomography (CT) to identify calcium-containing plaque in the coronary arteries of your heart. Generally, a higher coronary calcium-score indicates you have a higher chance of significant narrowing in the coronary arteries and a higher risk of a future heart attack.

Next Steps of CT Calcium Scoring Results

The results of your CT Calcium Score are sent to your doctor for review. Depending on the outcome, the Mayo Clinic suggests that one or more of the following strategies may be needed:

  • No change to the current treatment plan
  • Different medications or doses of medication
  • Changes to your diet and exercise routine
  • New weight-loss goals
  • Additional tests/procedures
  • Follow-up appointments to monitor your health and treatment plan

What are possible tests/procedures after a CT Calcium Score?

Coincidentally?! Another heart-related procedure is also being aggressively promoted. As advertised by Penn Medicine “Now offering elective coronary angioplasty, a procedure that opens blocked arteries. Comprehensive heart care services offer the latest in techniques and procedures. Individualized Treatment. Board-Certified Team. Exceptional Care.”

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What is Elective Coronary Angioplasty?

As explained by Penn Medicine, “Elective coronary angioplasty is a minimally invasive procedure that involves inserting a catheter into the clogged artery and using a tiny balloon to clear the blockage and improve blood flow. A stent is usually put in place as well, designed to help prevent the artery from becoming blocked again in the future.”

What’s the Real Deal With Elective Cardiac and Coronary Procedures?

If you’re taking time to do CT Calcium test, you’re concerned about heart health. If the results you receive are not within recommended guidelines, the easy next step is to consider elective coronary angioplasty. 

But here’s what most healthcare experts, including doctors, don’t immediately tell you: If you don’t fix what CAUSED the angioplasty in the first place, the angioplasty doesn’t last long. Maybe a year! The process of growing calcium deposits is going to continue. And these elective procedures, the time, money, the emotional and physical toll will have been for naught.

So What Can I Do To Reverse Artery Blockage?

Yes, stents help to keep your arteries open. Yes, coronary angioplasty removes blockages in your arteries. But if you want to make lasting changes that truly make a difference in your heart health you need to forget about the medications, forget about procedures. You need to focus on the things your mother taught you and a simple holistic approach, not “the comprehensive heart care services offering the latest in techniques and procedures.”

Are you concerned about your heart health? Have you considered one of these elective procedures? Come in for a consultation with Dr. Rothman by calling, 732-268-7663 and establish a better, holistic approach to reversing artery blockage and/or reducing your risk of a heart attack.





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