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Michael Rothman MD Articles

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Glycemic Control

The Importance of Maintaining Glycemic Control (Why You Need to Keep Your Blood Sugar Regulated, Even if You Are Not a Diabetic)

Maintaining a steady blood sugar (and therefore a steady blood insulin) level is extremely important.

If your blood sugar is bouncing up and down throughout the day, then it will cause a “ripple effect” on many other important biochemical’s in your system.

When blood sugar rises, so does insulin, followed by cortisol, estrogen and other hormones. When blood sugar drops, other hormones are again affected (adrenaline, glucagon)

Additionally, your autonomic nervous system is very much affected by changes in blood glucose levels. Low glucose can stimulate your sympathetic nervous system. This can lead to anxiety, palpitations, sweating, abdominal cramps, dry mouth, indigestion, cold hands and feet, high blood pressure, fatigue, and immune system suppression.

High glucose levels can stimulate yourparasympathetic nervous system. This can lead to nasal congestion, asthma attacks, watery eyes, irritable bowel, low blood pressure, fatigue and allergic reactions.

Long-term damage caused by poor glycemic control can be even more devastating. Cardiovascular disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, cancer, diabetes, depression, anxiety, premature aging, chronic fatigue syndrome, and obesity can all result from excessive blood sugar fluctuations.

To maintain good glycemic control, eat a good “fuel mixture” at every meal. You can do this by combining the proper ratios of protein/carbohydrates/fats.


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