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Michael Rothman MD Articles

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Ingredients for Rejuvenation

Facial rejuvenation is a technique which uses natural products to rebuild and repair the collagen and connective tissue in the face. These products can be introduced below epidermis by a transdermal delivery system. Hyaluronic acid, glutathione, and multi-trace elements are frequently used for this purpose.

Hyaluronic acid is a constituent of collagen and is able to attract large amounts of water into the tissue of the face. This water “plumps up” the skin leading to better skin turgor and a more youthful appearance. Studies have shown that hyaluronic acid injections actually lead to an increase in collagen production.

Glutathione is an important water soluble anti-oxidant, it protects and repairs the damage done by oxidative stress (including sun damage).

Multi-trace elements include the minerals zinc, selenium and copper. Zinc is vital to skin health as a coenzyme, selenium is an important factor as an anti-oxidant and copper is required for the production of collagen.

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