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Insulin Receptors

Insulin receptors are special proteins in your cells that allow you to utilize insulin. Unfortunately if have chronically high insulin levels, your insulin receptors will stop working. This is known as insulin resistance.

Insulin resistance is a very common metabolic disorder resulting from having chronically high insulin levels. If you were to consume too many carbohydrates (starches, sugars and starchy vegetables) over an extended period of time, your pancreas (the organ that secretes insulin) will have to work overtime to try to process these carbohydrates. If you have high insulin levels for too long, eventually your insulin receptors will stop working and you will develop insulin resistance (resistance to your own insulin). This condition is also commonly referred to as “pre-diabetes”. Other names for insulin resistance are metabolic syndrome, dysinsulinism and hyperinsulinism.

Regardless of what you call this unhealthy state, if you have chronically high insulin levels you will be at great risk for developing diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, strokes, cancer, depression, thyroid disease and a bunch of other adverse health conditions.

Many people, including many doctors erroneously believe that if your blood sugar levels are under control than you are doing the best you can to reduce your chances of developing complications from type 2 diabetes.

The best and most important treatment for insulin resistance and to keep your insulin receptors functioning properly is to fix the cause of this problem, reducing your intake of sugars, starches and other carbohydrates. Any other treatment (like drugs, vitamins, herbs, amino acids and minerals) will only serve to cover up your symptoms and will eventually fail to help you. If you are looking to keep your insulin receptors functioning at its best with natural methods, contact Michael Rothman MD in Spring Lake, NJ.

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